Cleaning company Stockholm
Cleaning company Stockholm
Have you searched for "Cleaning company Stockholm", "Cleaning help Stockholm" or "Relocation cleaning Stockholm" and found our site? Then you have come to the right place! We are Städfirma 77, a cleaning company that has cleaned apartments, houses, companies, buildings, schools and offices in Stockholm for more than 11 years.
We work all over Stockholm and always leave results that are of high quality!
What services do we offer?
Our company offers the following services: moving cleaning, home cleaning, office cleaning, large / rough cleaning, building cleaning and window cleaning in Stockholm and all other municipalities in Stockholm.
Why choose us?
We offer a 100% customer satisfaction guarantee on all cleaning services we provide. Our workers have many years of experience in cleaning and maintaining houses, apartments, companies, buildings, schools and business premises. We closely monitor the work of all employees in our company and we try to ensure that the results of their work are of the highest quality.
Our team
Our team consists of carefully selected highly qualified workers and managers who go through rigorous selection and selection. Before they start cleaning, all team members are trained for a long time for the strict and high standards of cleaning prescribed by our company.
We offer reasonable prices for high quality work we do. We always leave a fixed price on the job and of course private individuals can take advantage of the RUT deduction. BUT of course we can provide an hourly rate at your request.
How to contact us?
If you have further questions or concerns, you are always welcome to send an enquiry to www.stadfirmastockholm77.se.