Spa Lukovska
Spa, spa in Serbia, spas in Serbia, vacation in spa, spa treatment - Search for these keywords on Google.com organic search? You are in the right place, Lukovska spa offers you top quality accommodation, outdoor and indoor pools, wellness and spa treatment programs at very reasonable prices.
Who are we?
The special hospital for rehabilitation Prolom Banja was established in 2009, as a "daughter company" of the parent company Planinka. It consists of Profit Centers Prolom Banja and Lukovska Banja. In our spas we take care of the quality of services with a personal approach to each guest. Our offer is a combination of health, recreational and wellness programs, with catering and facilities for rest and leisure.
Why Lukovska Banja?
We are opening a green treasury of healing springs for you. The highest spa in Serbia - Lukovska Banja, is located at 681 m above sea level, in a wooded valley of the eastern slopes of Kopaonik.
It is made special by the abundance of thermo-mineral springs and the action of all 4 natural factors: water, climate, mud and gas.
We took the finest of nature and combined the offer of three hotels: Bela Jela, Jelak and Kopaonik, through modern medical and wellness facilities.
Equally rich in terms of natural and cultural-historical potentials, it proudly bears the epithet of a royal spa. You can find your place under the sun in delicious specialties under the sac or your favorite view from the lookout, swimming pools or long walks. Your peace awaits you.
What are we treating in Lukovska Banja?
Thanks to the unique characteristics of thermo-mineral waters, balneological knowledge and medical research, the following indications for treatment in Lukovska Banja have been determined:
Inflammatory rheumatism - Rheumatoid arthritis (calm inflammation phase), Bechterew's disease (initial stage), psoriatic arthritis.
Degenerative rheumatism - spondylosis of the cervical and lumbar spine, disc herniation, dysarthrosis, lumbosciatica, gonarthrosis, coxarthrosis, arthrosis, osteoarthritis of the small joints of the hand and foot.
Extraarticular rheumatism - Fibrosis, myalgia, bursitis, sprains, distortions.
Osteoporosis and osteopenia.
All types of sports injuries and conditions after bone fractures and surgical interventions on the bone and joint system.
Want to know more?
For more information and a complete offer and accommodation facilities visit our website lukovskabanja.com