Spa Prolom
Spa, spa in Serbia, spas in Serbia, vacation in spa, spa treatment - Search for these keywords on Google.com organic search? You are in the right place, Prolom spa offers you top quality accommodation, outdoor and indoor pools, wellness and spa treatment programs at very reasonable prices.
Who are we?
The special hospital for rehabilitation Prolom Banja was established in 2009, as a "daughter company" of the parent company Planinka. It consists of Profit Centers Prolom Banja and Lukovska Banja. In our spas we take care of the quality of services with a personal approach to each guest. Our offer is a combination of health, recreational and wellness programs, with catering and facilities for rest and leisure.
Why Prolom Banja?
Explore the hidden landscapes of the wooded Radan and get to know Prolom Banja - the source of the unique Prolom water and a sunny corner where the lungs breathe deeper and the heart laughs harder.
The complex of the Radan hotel represents a meeting of hedonism and health, through treatment programs based on the healing Prolom water and the contents of our wellness center, or outdoor pools - home sea in a green environment.
The surroundings of Prolom Banja are a treasure trove of natural attractions and cultural treasures, Đavolja Varoš is in the immediate vicinity, and gastronomic pleasure is in the old Serbian house by the Prolomska river.
Health is awakened by the power of nature in Prolom Banja, and our motive is to share those mornings with you.
What are we treating in Prolom Banja?
Thanks to the unique characteristics of Prolom water, balneological knowledge and medical research, the following indications for treatment in Prolom Banja have been determined:
Kidney and urinary tract diseases such as stones and sand in the kidneys and urinary tract, chronic kidney and urinary tract infections (pyelonephritis, cystitis, urethritis), chronic prostatitis and conditions after kidney and urinary tract surgery.
Skin diseases - Psoriasis (Psoriasis vulgaris), keratinization disorders (ischtyosis vulgaris, keratosis of the hands and feet), eczema (contact dermatitis, neurodermatitis), Lichen planus, Lichen atrophicus et sclerosus, Necrobiosis lipoidica, Necrobiosis lipoidica, Parapsoriasis, seborrheitis, Seboroic and Seboroic.
Digestive system diseases such as hypercidal gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis), chronic gallbladder inflammation, constipation, gallstones and post-operative conditions of the digestive system.
Rheumatism - Rheumatoid arthritis, Psoriatic arthritis, Osteoarthritis (hip, knee, spine), Spondylosis, gout, fibrositis, myositis, tendinitis and conditions after bone fractures and surgical interventions on the bone and joint system.
Find out more?
For more information and a complete offer and accommodation facilities visit our website prolombanja.com